The Most Common Cat Breeds of the World
This is a list of the most common cat breeds of the world. The criteria for appearing in this category differ greatly, but two things are essential: how easy it is to find the particular breed of cat and to locate a breeder, or how easy it is to find information on the specific breed.
The Abyssinian
This cat is one
of the oldest domesticated cat breeds. The Abyssinian is a lively, athletic and
very inquisitive cat.
(This beautiful Abyssinian cat is Quiomme's Gustav and belongs to Karin Langner-Bahmann.)
More on the Abyssinian Cat Breed
The Burmese
The Burmese
cat is not only one of the common cat breeds, but is also one of the most intelligent
The Egyptian Mau
Egyptian Mau is very loyal and intelligent. They have soft melodious voices.
More on the Egyptian Mau Cat Breed
The Himalayan
breed is a combination of a Persian and a Siamese with the body of the Persian and
the blue eyes and color points of the Siamese.
More on the Himalayan Cat Breed
The Maine Coon
cat is one of the largest and toughest cats. It is also a very affectionate cat
More on the Maine Coon Cat Breed
The Manx
This stumpy-tailed
or tailless cat is a very sweet and playful cat breed. The Manx and the Cymric are
essentially the same cat breed - the Manx is just the shorthaired version with the
Cymric being the longhaired cat.
The Persian
The Persian is one
of the oldest pedigree cat breeds around. It is a high-maintenance cat due to its
long, bushy and silky coat.
The Cornish Rex
Cornish Rex has a very distinctive curly coat and they are known as the clowns of
the cat world.
More on the Cornish Rex Cat Breed
The Devon Rex
The Devon
Rex has a pixie face with large eyes and huge ears.
More on the Devon Rex Cat Breed
The Russian Blue
The Russian Blue
has a very dense, seal-like coat allowing it to survive Siberian winters.
More on the Russian Blue Cat Breed
The Siamese
common but beautiful cat breed is an elegant, vocal and people-orientated cat.
Does your cat have a skinny body type or a cobby body type?
(Burmese, Egyptian Mau, Manx, Persian, Russian Blue, Siamese pictures courtesy of