Cat Breed Info - Different Cat Breeds of the world. Cat Breed Info

What breed is that cat?

 This guide to the different cat breeds will make it easy for you to identify the various domesticated cat breeds of the world

Below you will find a list of the different cat breeds with pictures, divided into different championship breed categories. By clicking on the name of the cat, you can read about the origin of the breed, the coat varieties, the personality and temperament as well as any special grooming needs that the different cat breeds might have.

It is always a good idea to go to cat shows to have a closer look at all the cat breeds before just getting a cat. Also talk to breeders about the cat that you are interested in and what special needs it might have.

Where the different cat breeds have longhair and shorthair varieties, it is indicated with LH and SH after the cat breed name.

Currently 55 championship cat breeds are recognized for championship competitions. These breeds are classified by TICA (The International Cat Association), which is the world’s largest genetic registry of pedigreed cats.

A    B    C    D   E   H   J    K    L   M    N    O    P    R   S    T


The Abyssinian

American Bobtail
The American Bobtail LH/SH
American Curl
The American Curl LH/SH

The American 
The American Shorthair
American Bobtail
The American Wirehair


The Balinese
The Balinese
The Bengal
The Bengal
The Birman
The Birman

The Bombay
The Bombay
The British LH/SH
The British LH/SH
The Burmese
The Burmese


The Chartreux
The Chartreux
The Chausie
The Chausie
The Cornish Rex
The Cornish Rex


The Devon Rex
The Devon Rex
The Donskoy
The Donskoy


The Egyptian Mau
The Egyptian Mau
The Exotic 
The Exotic Shorthair


The Havana
The Havana
The Highlander
The Highlander
The Himalayan
The Himalayan

Household Pet Cat
Household Pet Cat
Household Pet Kitten
Household Pet Kitten


The Japanese 
The Japanese Bobtail


The Korat
The Korat
The Kurilian Bobtail
The Kurilian Bobtail


The LaPerm
The LaPerm


The Maine Coon
The Maine Coon
The Manx
The Manx
The Minskin
The Minskin

The Munchkin 
The Munchkin LH/SH


The Nebelung
The Nebelung
The Norwegian 
Forest Cat
The Norwegian Forest Cat


The Ocicat
The Ocicat 
The Ojos Azules
The Ojos Azules
The Oriental LH/SH
The Oriental LH/SH


The Persian
The Persian
The Peterbald
The Peterbald
The Pixiebob LH/SH
The Pixiebob LH/SH


The Ragdoll
The Ragdoll
The Russian Blue
The Russian Blue


The Savannah
The Savannah

The Scottish Fold 
The Scottish Fold LH/SH
The Selkirk Rex 
The Selkirk Rex LH/SH

The Serengeti
The Serengeti
The Siberian
The Siberian
The Siamese
The Siamese

The Singapura
The Singapura
The Snowshoe
The Snowshoe
The Sokoke
The Sokoke

The Somali
The Somali
The Sphynx
The Sphynx


The Thai
The Thai
The Tonkinese
The Tonkinese
The Toyger
The Toyger

The Turkish Angora
The Turkish Angora
The Turkish Van
The Turkish Van

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