Shadow's Slave

by Eddie
(Laurens, Ia, USA)

I have a American SH Orange Tabby. He is about 20lbs but not fat. I decided that he needed a playmate. What I got was Shadow, his name but also he me Satin himself. He is all black, the only white is his skin above eye's and his ears. He is hell on wheels. Even though my Tiger(orange tabby) weighs 3 or 4 times as Shadow, the little shit every morning for an hour he attacks Tiger. He gets put down and he just come back for more. When Tiger has had enough I bring out the laser. Tiger gives you a look of, I'm not chasing that thing. But Shadow loves it and goes wild. It gives Tiger a break. What I am trying to determine is what is Shadow. Like I said, he is all black, even the pads of his paws. He is sleek, very short hair. His body looks more like a Siamese. His eyes are more like an olive color. And the eyes are big. He also sneeze's a lot. 10 times a day. But no runny nose, any other health problems. He has energy that never stops. Plus being black, he is hard to find and he comes out of nowhere to attack your leg. He hides in the shadows hence his name. Just thought you might have an idea of what he is, so I can be prepared when he gets older. Plus he has big paws.Any help would be appreciated. Tried to get a picture, but he won't stay still. lol

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