Siberian Cat Info
Siberian Cat Info: History
Siberian cats have been around for a long time with the earliest reference to them being made in 1000AD. These majestic cats appeared in the first cat show in the 1870’s and there is reference made to Siberian cats at the cat show in the Madison Square Gardens in 1884.
In 1889 cat fancier Harrison Weir made mention of Siberian cats in his book Our Cats and in 1898 John Jennings made mention of them in his book Domestic & Fancy Cats. The first photo of a Siberian cat appeared in 1900 in Helen Winslow’s book Concerning Cats.
Siberian Cat
Little information is however documented about the early Siberian cat breeds but in the 1980’s in Russia, cat fanciers started keeping proper records. The first breed standard for the Siberians was created by Kotofei Cat Club in Moscow and a blue lynx point and white cat and a brown tabby and white cat were used as the models.
12 Siberian cats were entered into the All Union Cat Show in 1989 and in 1990 Elizabet Terrll imported three Siberian cats to the USA. In 1997 Dana Osborn imported the first colorpoint Siberians and in 1998 the first color point kittens were born.
In 1992 TICA accepted these cats into the New Breed program and in 1996 they were granted championship status.
Siberian Cat Info: Description

The Siberian cat is a large cat with heavy boning and powerful musculature. They have a rounded body type and gentle, rounded contours to the modified wedge head.
The eyes are round in shape as well. The hind legs of the Siberian cat are slightly longer than the front legs which make them powerful jumpers.
Siberians are considered to be semi-longhair cats, but their coats vary with the seasons. In winter, the coat is a thick, triple-layered coat designed to protect them from the harsh winter conditions. In summer time, the heavy winter coat is shed and a shorter, less dense coat makes its appearance. The coat of the Siberian cat comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns.

Color point Siberians are also known as "Neva-Masquerade". The name is made up of Neva for the river where they are said to have originated, and masquerade, for the mask.
In January 2009 the colorpoint Siberian cat was accepted as a new breed known as the Neva Masquerade within the FIFe (Fédération Internationale Féline) registry.
During winter time a daily grooming session is required to ensure that the coat does not become matted and tangled. During the start of the summer time, you will also have to brush your Siberian cat daily to ensure that all the loose hair is removed and to keep it tangle free.
Siberian Cat Info: Personality & Temperament

The Siberian is an intelligent cat breed that has problem-solving skills. They can learn how to open cupboard doors in order to help themselves to food and will remember exactly where they have hidden a toy.
The powerful back legs of this different cat breed allows them to jump to great heights and great distances.
Games that involve running and jumping are a favorite and the Siberian enjoys an obstacle course that it can successfully and gracefully negotiate with acrobatic leaps.
Affectionate and people-orientated, these cats are great with children and other pets. Your Siberian will love to talk to you in chirping sounds and will always come to greet you at the door at the end of a long day.