
by Madeleine
(Delray Beach, FL)

What a needy man he is! He cannot get enough of me. He waits for me to come home all day. It's really difficult leaving him in the morning, and he doesn't exactly make it easy. We have t.v. time every night. I get home from work and sit on the couch and we just play and snuggle. He loves being smothered with kisses and lets me do whatever I want. He won't leave my side. When I'm on the toilet, he runs over and makes me give him butt spanks. And bed time...he loves bed time. Like clockwork he gets in with me..I slowly drift off and wake up in the middle of the night to him licking my face. He becomes very affectionate in the night. I love my baby boy. He's such a handsome, good man.

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Oct 07, 2015
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Mar 03, 2015
Who owns who?
by: Gon in Fort Worth

Who owns who is the real question here! When a cat picks it's human it is a done deal for the cat. He is just making sure that you know that you are his when he rubs hid head and chin all over you. He is marking his human and taking all other scent off you when he licks you. It is also the greatest compliment in the cat world. With that little grin he is saying that you are lucky to have him!

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